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Positions Available

  • GRADUATE and ROTATION STUDENTS in the BMS, TETRAD, iPQB, and BioE programs are welcome to rotate.

    • To apply please contact Dr. Weinberger (


  • Research Associate with a strong interest in gene regulatory biology potentially leading to engineering of novel therapies for human viruses.

    • REQUIRED: AS or BS in in biology, molecular biology, bioengineering, or related field; 2+ years of hands on lab experience in addition to undergraduate coursework

    • To apply: Please send CV and letter of research interests to


  • Research Scientist/Postdoctoral Scholar to be responsible for leading a project to develop cell-based assays for screening for viral inhibitors and for subsequent validation.

    • REQUIRED: 5 years' experience with cell culture, assay development and screening.

    • To apply: Please send CV and letter of research interests to


  • Research Scientist/Postdoctoral Scholar to work on viral gene circuitry.

    • REQUIRED: PhD in quantitative biology, complex biological systems, synthetic biology, or another similar field. 4 years' experience.

    • To apply: Please send CV and letter of research interests to


  • Postdoctoral Scholar with a PhD in physical sciences, applied mathematics, or theoretical physics to work on modeling viral dynamics and evolution using MatLab and other software. Individuals with background in theoretical condensed matter physics are especially encouraged to apply.

    • REQUIRED, in equal degree: demonstrated record of analytical and numeric work and experience in model selection based on experiment. The candidate will join a strong team of quantitative virologists and theoreticians. Results of theoretical studies will be published independently in leading biological journals.

    • To apply: Please send your CV, publication list, PDF files of two-three publications, and names and electronic addresses of two references to


For the salary and benefits we offer our postdoctoral trainees please see here.

These positions are available immediately and open until filled.